Al-Ahzab (The Allies) for Ayyub: The story of patience continues...

Targeted by the FBI
Pressured to be an informant, 
and given the ultimate choice: 
his conformity or his freedom...

Front Cover
Breaking new ground and unearthing a local story that has captured the hearts of many. Togolese has put together "Al-Ahzab (which translates into "The Allies") for Ayyub". Over at the Renaissance Art Space, Togolese has teamed up with his neighbors Shark Face Ent. and their engineer D. Eagle to release a project detailing the life and arrest of Springfield resident Ayyub Abdul Alim. With beats from Mr. Nuri and AG Productions, vocals and features by Janisha & Just Stones. This project targets topics like prison privatization, illegal search and seizures, FBI and the Muslim Community, and Islamophobia. Togolese wanted to stay true to Muslim culture and Islam with commentary by his brother Halim Cruz on TRGGR Radio, and prayers by those closest to him. Ayyub, is being charged for 15 years on a gun & ammunition charge. 
Learn about why he has been in jail for 2 years until posted bail and/or sentencing.  Justice for Ayyub! Like the page here:

Back Cover

Releases 15 November 2013 

You can reach the main site
To pre-order a Digital Copy or Hard Copy!

Please support your local artists!
Please support justice!

Ayyub's next court date is Nov. 15th 2013!
50 State St, Springfield, MA
9:00 AM

for more info


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