I once wondered what it would take to be a poet. 
How to be brave enough 
To dig my nails into my chest 
Peeling the page of my flesh 
Break my rib cage into pieces 
RIP open my chest
Just to show you my heart
I once wondered what it would take
To strap a collar around my neck, I dare not lie 
make eye contact as I stutter my speech
please I h-hope I don't stutter my speech
I would rather have you shoot me
Or I rather shoot myself
I wonder what it takes to be a poet. 
to articulate feeling and expression
Craving to be heard and acknowledged to develop 
A multi-layer of metaphors and similes 
A-B-A-B... The scheme was to give it letters and numbers 
Birthing a new way to reach the hearts hue-man
and then humans said I know 
let's time it! and give it a number. 
ironically I'm waiting inline 
for an audience 
Begging for your Judgement on how I feel, 
Should I practice more theater? 
Forked tongue betwixt thine cheek
Waiting for the heavens to move hearts
Betrayed by my own peers
Cheers and jeers, they pass the poison
I sip slowly to be further anointed.
As the lamb and Shepard
To be sacrificed with 
deliverance of thy word
To further push the envelope across boundaries 
Light, sound, state, continent, consciousness 
Deep layers of the psyche... 
Well, that's if you like me. 
When did this become a numbers game for me?? 
To Facebook every feature, 
To seek applause through a digital mirage
to jump into a crowd of thumbs 
Just to stab me in the back 
I wonder what it takes to be promoted! 
I think I still remember what it's like to be a poet
Nowadays... You would hardly ever know it. 
Is it really a poem or a journal entry
It's hardly ever rhyming... Maybe that's because
This isn't a poem. It's an artful cry
A wail of emotion bellowing from the umbilical cord
Wishing, the change that I flipped 
Would bring a blessing
That's why I 
write proverbs on my palms 
Whisper through them for psalms
Even through chaos, my eye is calm
Calm like an ocean wave
Swift like a casters hand
Steady like a boat at sea
Forceful when the sea shakes
Still weak taking knees when the earthquakes
So even tho my head is down
I'm thinking of looking up
on my fists
With these hands
With this body
Of mine
With mind and soul
Till the soul 
Becomes nothing more than
A Gasp of carbon

My spirit whether vengeful or at peace
I will still be strong
For my enemies will one day be my friends 
Who've unveiled the best lessons
Gave me real-world obstacles
But my journey is not done
Even in spaces where my life
Had no value
Where Possums were given stepping stones
Stools for their steaks
Napkins tucked around the neck 
Silk at its feet
I've been in spaces where my life has value
Given stepping stones to reach
Acquired Seats for my plate
Napkins tucked neatly around my neck
Epsom salt at my feet
These journeys 
Made with the very effort of my being
The first step to a thousand light-years 
The very rise of Sun Tsu 
The art of settling wars with peace
Even tho hearts will be pierced 
And their pieces will be buried
This journey will be different 
For every child born from
The tears of regret 
To the astronauts planning on 100%
To the imperfections of the universe 
Meteors missing their pocket 
Like billiards colliding with the solid blue number 3
This journey 
Is it for not? 
 if I never went will I still acquire understanding elsewhere? 
What else is there if our potential isn't limited? 
And our imagination is omniscient 

Gods through imagination 
Stroking our own egos. 
Ergo, created in our image! 

I once wondered what it would take to be a poet. 
How to be brave enough 
To dig my nails into my chest 
Peeling the page of my flesh 
Break my rib cage into pieces
RIP open my chest
Just to show you my heart


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